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Message to German European American Society of Virginia

German European American Society of Virginia - German  in Norfolk VA

German European American Society of Virginia

(757) 567-7751
(757) 567-7751

About German European American Society of Virginia

The German European American Society of Virginia was founded in October 1971 with the goal of preserving and promoting German culture, heritage, and customs.

We want to unite people of German, American and other European descent who want to support the goals and purpose of the club. We encourage members to participate in social, cultural, literary, educational, and charitable activities that further the knowledge and preservation of accepted German contributions and traditions.


Primary Office Location

pin 8440 Mona Ave Norfolk VA 23518

pin (757) 567-7751


Social Media

Facebook page for German European American Society of Virginia - German  in Norfolk
Message German European American Society of Virginia
(757) 567-7751